Call our Team for a free live online demo today! 619-693-5680
Call our Team for a free live online demo today! 619-693-5680
Quality Problems Are Easily Eliminated with Inspections
We find that the number one problem for Produce Companies is usually product quality problems. Margins start out so small, giving discounts or refunds because of quality issues can destroy any profit quickly. Inspections done in-house via your own inspection templates become value-added. It is essential to keep very accurate records of all of the costs associated with those problems so you can go back to the vendor for relief. For many companies, the money they lose on refunds, discounts, produce recalls, and spoiled product makes the difference between being profitable, or not.
Unless the problem was caused by handling issues in your warehouse, in most cases, the losses and costs should be passed onto the vendor who supplied the product. Produce Magic Software provides VERY detailed profit and loss information, which lets companies examine the profit and loss for each product code, from each vendor, and also for each customer and ship-to. Using self-designed inspection templates and attaching all pictures and other necessary documents and certifications will make your business more efficient.
One major benefit of Produce Magic Software is in product traceability, internal inspections and produce recalls. Manual systems trying to find all sources of a specific product can be tedious and time-consuming. We all have read about companies having to close because of a serious recall. Produce Magic Software can rapidly print the complete recall, both forward and backward, with all receiving companies’ contact information, in a few seconds. This includes all generations of original inventory lots used to create any inventory lot in question and includes everywhere all those generations of the original inventory lot ended up, even in blends. To have this information quickly and in one report eases the stress of food recalls no matter if it was in bulk, packaged, fresh cut or processed. Be prepared, have the rights tools at hand. Let us help you recover time, money, and stress with our instant produce recall reports.
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is largely responsible for driving awareness to Food Safety, inspections, and Produce Recalls! Let Produce Magic Software make your lives easier, more productive with real-time data to comply with these issues, one button click for forward and backward information on all purchases, sales, repacks, and food processing on all linked produce with full traceability, and more!
We'd like to be of service, so feel free to call ahead and visit Monday through Friday during normal business hours.
Open today | 08:00 am – 04:30 pm |