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Packers, Repackers, and Shippers benefit from many of Produce Magic Software’s programs. Inventory is, of course, very important for these companies. The grower accounting is very useful for packinghouses. Bulk product from contract growers are tracked through the pack-out process. Ending products are tied to the original bulk inventory and that specific grower’s contract. Growers are paid from the pack-out reports showing what was packed and the average selling price. Additional fees can be deducted from what the grower receives to cover packaging and pack-out labor. Packers can also use Produce Magic’s Bill of Materials programs to track usage and cost of their packaging inventory. Purchases and receipts of packaging are entered in Produce Magic and their inventory levels and average costs are tracked. Lead times can be factored in for re-ordering purposes. When product is sold, the Bill of Materials used for packing that product is reduced. The cost of the packaging is added to the cost of the finished product based on an average cost of the packaging inventory. Packaging is used on a 'first in - first out' basis (FIFO). With the extensive inventory tracking programs and the Bill of Materials programs, packers have very good information about their inventory in real-time.
Repackers love Produce Magic’s repacking programs. They allow packaging and labor to be added automatically into the cost of the repacked product. All lost product from repacking is also tracked and added to the cost of the repacked product. This allows repackers to know which products are profitable to repack and which ones should be purchased as finished product.
Shippers will find the Purchase and Sales Order tracking features in Produce Magic very helpful. There should be no surprises about product not arriving because all the information can be tracked online and in real-time. Notes can be entered about an order 'status' at any time, so if a product does not arrive in time for a sales order to ship, the salesperson can select a different inventory lot to complete that sale.
There is more information on Trucks (in-house), Truck Brokerage, Memos and Truck Building Programs, click below.
Feel free to visit us during normal business hours. Or, drop us a line to help set up a "live" demo fitting your 'flow' for packers, repackers, and other criteria as for shippers, etc. AND at your convenience!
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